Fast, reliable internet for all of Hancock County, IL
Grow Hancock Broadband is a cooperative effort to bring faster, stronger, more reliable internet services to Hancock County, specifically focused on agriculture and the rural parts of the county. In the near future the federal and state governments will be making funds available to connect broadband further into these areas and we want to be ready when they do.

The initial goal of the project is to gather data. We need to know who has fast internet, who has slow internet, and who has no internet. From there we can begin to formulate a plan that organizes the data so that when grants become available, we're ready to go after them.
From February 10th - April 10th, Hancock County residents were asked to participate in a survey to find out what their internet speeds were at their homes, their businesses, and their farms; 512 individual households, businesses, and farms took the time to help with this important issue. Please take a few moments to see the presentation below to learn more about Hancock County broadband and the survey results. Just click on the Grow Hancock Broadband box below.